
Showing posts from February, 2019

Morality Against Humanity - After reading The Student and The Lady with the Dog of Anton Chekhov

 We should be loyal; we should help others; we should tell the truth: we should be moral. There was human on the planet earth. For some reasons, they decided to gather and live together: they created society. After that, human-made something called ‘laws’ and ‘morals’ mostly to keep public order. Although it highly varies among societies due to the unique sociocultural backgrounds, they still share some similarities which are hard to declare in a few sentences. This social compact is never forced by divine being but by its benighted creations themselves. However, according to human nature, there is no such thing as justice, altruism, solicitude, and loyalty. At least they do not exist as an aim, but only as a mean. This nature has not changed since the birth of Adam on this planet. People are, and should be selfish to achieve their fundamental aim of survival. Why will history repeat itself? It is because, unlike the circumstances that have always changed, the essence of hum