Childrens and adults

 Hello everyone. I'm Sandy. At Wednesday, I saw that the girl name Adora Svitak appeared on the TV show, TED. She argued, ages are not very important for doing something , and adults have to listen and trust children because they're leaders of tomorrow.
 I think she is absolutely right. I want to argue that people are supposed to cast away a prejudice between adults and children because children can do what adults do if they work really hard. Sometimes, they do things that adults can't do. For example, there are many children writers including Adora Svitak. She did what adults do. Anna Frank, Ruby, Charly Simpson did what adult's can't do easily. They touched millions of people around the world. Can adults do it easily? NO!!
 Next, adults sometimes have to learn from children. We are living in different generations with adults, and we can easily learn new things in the new generation such as computers, cellphones, and these kind of stuff.  However, adults are still thinking about their generation and most of them don't know well about our new generation. It is not useful for our new generation. Sometimes, we have to teach adults about computer, smartphone, or these kind of things.
 Finally, adults are not always right and children are not always wrong. Everyone makes some mistakes including adults and children. The problem is, some people think adults are right. However, many children can be right, not only adults. The worst of all, if adults are wrong, people ignore them, but when children are wrong, they're always punished about it. I don't like that kind of discrimination.
 In conclusion, I think people are supposed to cast away a prejudice between adults and children, Also, of course don't discriminate because it could make a bad impact on children. In fact, we have to be adults when we grow up. So, adults should not undervalue children's ability. When they are grown up, they'll be much better adults than adults today.


  1. Please check more carefully for small mistakes (capital letters for proper nouns, spelling, and grammar).

    It's not clear from your essay that you really understood what Miss Svitak's message was. She response is too fierce.

  2. God... Sandy,,, my past name is revealed anyways who cares?


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