Princess Merida's adventure

 I watch a movie name 'Brave' in GLPS camp, and I was very suprised about merida's adventure and her braveness. This movie is about princess merida's adventure, who hate to marry with another countries prince. But, her mother(Queen) force her to marry one of the prince. Merida don't want to marry one of the prince, so she wants to change her mom's mind. And, she met a witch and witch made her a little cake and told her that cake can change queen's mind. But, Merida's mom transformed into a bear magically. Merida was very surprised and escape a castle with her mom. Then, Merida knows if she sew her mom's tapestry, her mom come back to human. However, when Merida and her mom goes back to a castle, dad saw Merida's mother and tried to kill her. Suddenly, mor'du came out and queen and mor'du fought. After queen killed mor'du, merida tried to make a queen to human again, but she failed. However, she's tears make queen human again, and merida and she's kingdom find a peace.
 In thins movie, queen force Merida to marry one of the prince, but Merida don't want to. Does princesses always married some fancy prince in another kingdom?Why princesses can freely chooes there boyfriend?
 I think Merida have to do things all by herself. Marrying, shooting some arrows, riding horces. Queen can just leav her because she is doing a right thing.
 First of all, she's parent should not force Merida to do something that merida don't want to do. Merida is very outgoing person. She don't want to rule a country, sit down and studying, reading some books. She just want to play outside with she's horse Angus and shoot her arrow. That is more good thing for Merida because if queen and king force Merida to do something that she don't want to do, she maby feels very sad and angry.
 Second, Merida can do things by herself becaus she is very brave. She is very brave, and she can lots of things because she don't afraid of something. At the movie, she speeches in front of lots of people from three kingdoms without memorizing script. This is becaus of her braveness. If Merida is not brave enough, she can't speech and she maby just staring at them.
 Last, she need to find her true love by herself. The people who parents are choose, it is not Merida's true love and she can't marry them. That is fake marry, not a true marry.
 In conclusion, Merida have to make her one life by herself. Anyone can make her life except herself. Merida want to be free, but she can't because she is a princess in big kingdom. I think I'm very lucky to born in ordinary person.


  1. You write that Merida is doing the right thing by doing a lot of activity outdoors (riding and shooting), but why is this the right thing? Merida is not a little girl. She is growing up and has to become responsible, don't you think?

    I really want you to write about how Merida's personality makes her a better princess and future queen?


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