Metafiction essay: Oh my God

  The lights went on, and REC sign appears on the small screens of camcorders all around. In the center, there were people with rock-faces sitting together in a roundtable. The person in the black suit and a bow tie, who must be a chairperson of this world-most popular talk show KFS, cleared his throat gently to make a beginning of the show. He started talking with his big artificial smile on his face. 

  "While many people believe in the existence of the god, others don’t. The debate between those two groups, which has been continued for millions of years, doesn’t seem to end. One group constantly doubts the existence of god while the other group serves god as their priority. Then what is the reasonable point that each group can argue? Now, we will like to have a panel discussion about this issue with our guests. Who will like to begin?"

  There was an awkward silence. Panels never gave eyes to each other, busy looking up at void or paper in front of them. It seemed like chairperson was trying hard to hide his embarrassment. Thankfully, a voice of the famous natural scientist Brian Lee finally broke the silence. 

  "The ones who believe that the god does not exist, argues that there is no scientific evidence to proves the existence of God. We claim that every result has its cause and the way of finding the cause is called science. Moreover, we believe that the god does not exist because it is just a conceptual illusion that people made for the sake of mental peace. There is a famous sentence that represents this argument, ‘The God is Dead‘ by German philosopher Nietzsche. This idea was also supported by philosophers with mechanical perspectives such as Newton, Descartes, and so on. They believed that the world is something like a machine that we can find how it works through observations and experiments. To them, god is only a concept which was proposed to explain the phenomenon that could not be explained due to their insufficient knowledge. Actually, it is fact that technological development is explaining those phenomena which were believed 'supernatural' one by one. Therefore, in modern society, there's no more place for a god to stand."

  Even before Brian finished his words, theologist James Oh rise and started to speak. 

  "Those who believe in god, including me, are strongly opposed to the points previously made. We believe if the existence cannot be proven, it cannot be disproven either. Also, we question the validity of scientific methods..."
  "Then what else can we trust instead of science which directly shows and explains everything happening in nature? Does God show its shape or convince us with detailed clues about the specific phenomenon?"
  "Don't you know? Science itself is already the part of gcd's creation, which is used to take control of his creations. Thigs you are bringing in order to disprove god is actually strongly supporting the existence of God, so thank you very much."

 The atmosphere suddenly got rough, and the chairman tried hard to overcome it by quickly moving on to another topic. However, before he even open his mouth, journalist Seolin Chung started to talk. 

 "Calm down friends. No one can be 100% sure about this topic. So, there are also people in between like me – the agonistic people who believe in neither God nor his existence. And perhaps this is not only the most neutral stance but also the most logical, accurate stance there is amongst this discussion. According to the religion, God cannot be seen. According to other groups, that proves God’s non-existence. But as long as the subject in correlation is impalpable, we can never prove its existence or nonexistence. Take a flying saucer, for example. Can you prove it exists? On the other hand, can you prove that it does not exist?"

 This time, even though didn't look enough convinced, both panels nodded. The chairman sighed by the relief. Writer Summer Kim stood up to wrap up the discussion. 

 "God is a supernatural existence though it really exists. Since we’re humans, we can be viewed as not accurate to justify or argue for their existence. So we can’t say what is right or wrong. So our best is to just to listen to the both of the opinions with respect in it, but also to be skeptical to analyze their arguments. This argument cannot be met at a reasonable point for both sides, but it would be possible to build a constructive debate if we respect each other."


The microscope was removed from the blue marble-like thing it was observing. 

 “Hmm… interesting…”
 “So, that’s how our creation-in-our-shape thinks about us.”

They stared at the tank full of the universe for a while. The chilly wind of heaven softly swept two apprentice gods’ milky-white cheeks.

 “Don’t you think they are kind of funny? That means some of those who don’t believe in us think the whole world they are living in was made by itself, or like, Popped out from a bunny hall or something.”
 “Well, indeed that’s funny.”

They both giggled. It made a huge shake in the tank. After that, one god tried to look in the planet once more with the microscope, and notice that everything was okay except the fact that several islands and peninsulas were drowned by the tsunami the shake caused.  

 “Sometimes, I feel bad about the fact that some of our creations are not sure about our existence.”
 “Why is that?”
 “Because they have no idea about a great deal of effort I put on them.”

The god sighed. This caused several other asteroids to bump with one another and made grandeur of space firework.

 “Um… actually that is one thing I can’t understand from you. Why do you care that much about your creation?”

The god thought for the moment. The mystic glow of pantheon was surrounding the place where two gods were standing at with the perfect grace and serenity.

 “Maybe because they are my creation…?”
 “Yeah, I got where you are coming from. However, they do not worth it. We can easily create them and destroy them. Everything happens in their world can be controlled by our will.”
 “True… But I just hoped there are some ways to communicate with them anyway. Natural disasters like tsunamis and volcano eruption don’t work anymore.”
 “You’re doing well enough, dude.”

They looked inside their universe again. It was beautiful, much more beautiful than it can be ever described in any words existing. Dazzling Milky Way was flowing gently and silently like it had never been distracted by a pebble on a stream bank, and inside there were millions of stars shining like shattered pieces of mother’s broken heart. Things appeared and disappeared in a moment without any hints like the love comes and goes. Comets were flying everywhere with their iridescent tale drawing inexpungible bright scars on the dark black space, ever darker and deeper than the wise old man's eye. The endless flow of colors, from firing red, to flickering blue, was bright enough to make blind one regain the sight or the one with opened-eyes lose light forever in their life. It was the scene that someone will readily pay their soul to have a glimpse of before the end of their mortal lifespan. Any one of them, including whole existence and nonexistence, won’t be able to see any more mysterious, hazardous but peaceful.

At the next moment, the Jews came in. All the young gods had their seats in hurry.
He cleared his throat and spoke in a resonant, god-like voice.

 “Now, the class is over. You may cleanse your practice planet and go to have some lunch. Next time I will teach you how to actually show yourself and make your creations know your existence and greatness. This will help people on your planet believe in you and obey what you tell them to do.”

Two apprentice gods looked at each other and exchanged an angelic smile.

 “Oh, I think that will pretty much solve our problem.”
 “Great. I can’t wait till next class.”

They stood up to clean up their creation which is made during one class, for apprentice gods to practice how to create and manage their universe in order to make it last longer.

 “Anyways, let’s start to clean up. What are you going to use this time?”
 “Um… Ice age?”
 “That’s too boring. We’ve tried that more than dozens of times.”
 “Then… How about the meteor?”
 “Cool, but I think we don’t have an appropriate asteroid to do so.”
 “Well, let’s decide what to do for our planet ‘Earth’ after having lunch. I’m starving. What’s for today’s lunch?”
 “Let’s go and check out.”

It’s lunchtime. Even God has to fill their stomach after the hard classwork. And even while the god was out, our planet Earth still keeps on changing with the residents who are absolutely in dark about their planet’s future. 

universe에 대한 이미지 검색결과


  1. This is pretty good! Funny, mostly well written, and it clearly shows a lot of effort. You use the class material well, and everything makes sense. That said, as we discussed in class, the ending would best on earth, with the panelists perhaps suddenly swimming in this tsunami. In terms of formatting, I'd also like to clearly know which stuff from the blog is being used, and when we transition to the point of view of the Gods you could mark that more clearly with more than just a ---- . All in all, nice effort, and some great writing. This could evolve into an excellent short story with a bit of work (most short stories get published after many many many drafts). Good work.


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