Do What You Wanna Do

 I will start with asking a question
 Do you have a dream?

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 If your answer is yes, lucky you. Keep it on.
 If your answer is no, good for you. You have more possibility to discover and more chance to explore.

 The answer is not a problem. What matters is, whether you are sure about it. Aren’t you just ignoring your inner desire and passion because you are afraid of failure and other’s judgment? Or aren’t you unconsciously restricting yourself by thinking ‘I am not good enough’ or ‘I don’t fit’ even before you actually go for it?

 Today, let me tell you a little secret about doing what you wanna do. It is always near us, but people usually fail to discover it because they are so much used to it. But I guarantee you that once you find it out and learn how to deal with it, you will meet your turning point of life.

 I will start with a typical story of a typical girl.

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 This girl was good at studying and usually received good grades from the school. Many people including her friends and teachers admire her as a clever and diligent person. But studying wasn’t the only thing she was good at. The girl loved music. She liked to sing in particular, so she always practiced singing to feel herself being free, emotional, and happy. 

 The girl grew up and arrived at the years to decide what she will do for the future. Without any doubt or hesitation, she chose to be a scientist. Her decision was made by her free will and desire, considering the fact that she actually liked it. She sometimes thought about being a singer but never thought about it seriously because she just thought it is out of her consideration. Here are some reasons she came up with. First, it is too risky. Second, it is way too competitive especially for the kid like her who is not really talented enough. Lastly, it seems unnatural for her because she was always a smart girl with good grades. After that, she started to forget about singing because she thought it was no longer useful for her future career.

 What I want to point out from her story is the fact that she didn’t handle her decision very well. I don’t blame her for being a scientist despite her interest in music, because it was her choice and she was happy with it. The problem is the attitude towards it. Despite all of her overflowing passion, endless curiosity, and unknown potential, she framed herself as a certain kind of people, restricted and defeated herself with the wall built by herself, and abandoned the inner voice even before she actually faces on it.
Why not? Why can’t she open her choice to the things that she wanted to do?
It doesn’t need to be your final choice. We don’t need to major it in college, but we also don’t need to focus on the things you decide to major in college. Just open your possibility and awake that adventurer spirit. Don’t let the silly framework and cookie cutters stop you from living a truly happy life. Do it enough to make your nerve burns and heartbeats. A decision can be made after it.

 You might blame the society and surroundings. Sure, social atmosphere matters and there are a stereotype and framework made by the society. However, do you know that most of the 100-reasons-why-I-can(or can't)-do-this are derived from your own imagination? You might notice yourself making up some judgments which were never made by them actually to justify your action and decision. You might also notice yourself exaggerating some facts to make the path you didn’t choose seem risky and challenging. Your fear against uncertainness and failures make up some reasons why you should not do it, as self-protection. But, why do you fear of failure even before you try? If you really stop there, you will always regret not trying it. There will always be a ‘what if’ left as a bitter taste inside your mouth.

 It can be anything rather than music. Sports, art, makeup, farming … I am sure that even though you have one of these, you will say no to the question ‘do you have something you want or like to do?’. You can do better than this, don’t you? Do not hesitate to be passionate and just do your best. Don’t afraid to say that you have a dream. It will be hard at first because it is not the thing you were used to. So now I am going to introduce you four ways that will help you to ‘do what you wanna do’. It seems very simple, but not that easy as expected.

 Before I go on, let me give you a late self-introduction. I am a future Neuroscientist who is crazy about music. And I am devoting my time and energy as much as I can in both of them.

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 Step one, spend time. You might all hear of 10,000-Hour Rule. It’s a rule that claims that the key to achieving world-class expertise in any skill is to practice for a total of around 10,000 hours. 10 thousand might not be an accurate amount of number, but what this shows is that the more time you spend on something, the more you get better on it.

 - I love to sing and truly want to do well. Every morning or lunchtime, I head to the soundproof room in the school to practice singing. The reason why I love singing so much is that I actually experienced my development while practicing it. Music taught me that I can be better when I practice and devote more time.

 - I love to study neuroscience. It is the most fascinating and unknown field of science I’ve ever met. Every week, I watch a video clip of reading an article about the new discovery in the field of neuroscience. Sometimes, I write an essay about it or send an e-mail to the author in order to ask some questions. My goal is to read or listen to 100 articles or videos before graduation. Also, I am working as a captain of school neuroscience club and a president of Korean Youth Society of Neuroscience(KYSN). I spend a great amount of time working on both. I didn’t notice at that particular moment, but now I see how much my knowledge about neuroscience improved.
"Your efforts will never betray you.” Although it seems like a small amount, the continuous accumulation of it reaches the amount that is enough to make a change, without even noticing.

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 Step two, share. Share your knowledge, experience, and passion with the world. This will make a huge synergy effect that is impossible for an individual to make.

 - I like to sing, and also to appear on the stage and sing in front of others. I express my heart through music and wish others to synchronize with it. Now, I am planning to share my music by recording it and uploading it online. I also have some plans to collaborate with friends who can play musical instruments very well or write good lyrics. By sharing my music with others, I can have a feeling of satisfaction by making other people happy. Also, while working with other students who are interested in various fields of music, I learn many things and motivated to make my music better. 

 - I like neuroscience, so I share the knowledge with others. While doing a club activity, I play a role as a teacher by providing some information about neuroscience, because I wish others to find the field interesting. Moreover, we share some opinions about the specific topic, throw questions, and come up with ideas. In the process, I could learn lots of things and expand my mind towards the world. There is nothing better than teaching and learning together with friends, as a good study method.

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 Step three, wish. I believe in the power of the word and thought. If you change your thought, it changes the way of speaking, which changes your behavior, and at last change your life. So I always consciously try not to speak negative words out loud, because it will actually bring a negative effect on me. Instead, I try to use positive words which make me easily overcome hard situations and feel good. In the same mechanism, continuously talking and reminding about the thing that you want to do really help it come true. I attached a paper that my dreams are written on at the ceiling above the bed and in front of my desk. I recite it every time I see it, which makes me feel confident and allows me to powerfully start a day.

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 Step four, focus. This might be the hardest one, but very essential at the same time. As we live in a society, we continuously interact with our surroundings. People have all different characteristics and thoughts, so it is sometimes hard to focus on yourself and keep your balance on life. Other’s opinion might affect your process of decision making, which make you live heteronomous life despite your will. The trend will make you feel afraid to try uncommon ways because you don’t want to be considered as blasphemy. Worse of all, the comparison between you and others will make you lose your self-confidence and self-esteem.

 However, always remember that you lead your own life. Rather than letting others take control with your life, try to exchange good influence with people around you. Receive their comments for your own improvement and remember that they will support you.
I was sometimes afraid to tell my dream grandly in front of others because I was afraid of other’s judgment towards it. However, now I know that nobody else than me has the right to take control of my life so it is okay for me to be confident.

  So let’s go back to the very beginning. All I wanted to tell you is “Do what you wanna do” as passionately as possible while you are allowed to do so. You don’t need to make a result. If you can find your own self while doing it and become truly happy, that is enough.

 Remember. Do what you wanna do. 

here's a mash-up song named 'Do What You Wanna Do.' It is good and you will also be able to find some songs familiar.



    song link!! - Do What You Wanna Do

  2. Very ambitious post on a big topic. I applaud your ambition! However, I actually think this is a little bit "too long" and is something I see even in your 50 minute exams. You write A LOT. Try to sharpen and filter what you want to tell your reader down a little bit from now on, and really aim for 5 paragraphs and 600 words in written exams. Next year you will get a lot of practice with this with a 650 word limit on college essays. That said, writing LOTS will help you improve.

    1. Making short and strong sentences has always been my biggest task on writing :( I will practice more to make better sentences and improve my writing skill. Thank you for the comment!


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